SLC is International Judge of the 2021 SFIA Startup Challenge

It was an honour and a great experience to be one of the International Judges of the 2021 SFIA - Sports & Fitness Industry Association Startup Challenge and to hear such great pitches from very promising startups in sports & health.

Interesting to see how these two verticals are becoming increasingly interconnected and encouraging to see how the health aspects of sports is playing an ever increasing role in innovation and tech development 💪👏

Congrats to the Winner Bisu, but also to the other 9 Finalists: Readout Health, HitCheck, Realplay Sports, Metric Mate, Inc, Reflexion, Kayezen, LLC, RooSense, Workforce Athletics, and VAY. 🚀


SLC is Network Partner of FitTech Summit 2021 - Digital Edition


Sports Lab Copenhagen agrees strategic partnership with Sao-Paulo based sports innovation center Arena Hub